Friday, May 1, 2009

"Priming" Up for Another Cycle...

I can't believe that it's been an entire month since I last posted! The days seem to fly by, which has been fine and dandy for me since each day brings me closer to my next IVF cycle. The funny thing is, the clinic called me this month to offer me a cycle - but I declined, knowing that the retrieval and transfer were far too close to the end of the school year for my liking. Considering everything that I have gone through, the last thing that I wanted was for the success of this next cycle to be affected by the stresses of closing out a school year. DH and I decided we would defer until the following month, which brings us to a retrieval/transfer during the second week of July. Summer holidays will allow me to really put my feet up and relax during that dreaded two week wait!

Despite the fact that we turned down the cycle this month, the nurse very patiently walked me through the entire protocol that I'll be on - Estrogen Priming with Antagonist Protocol. Geez - talk about complicated. Twenty-one days of birth control pills, coupled with Suprefact. Then, good old Auntie Flo should arrive and I start stims with estrogen patches on Day 2 or 3. After approximately 12 days of stims, they go egg hunting, make babies in the lab, put them back inside and boom - I'm pregnant! Ha! If only it were that easy!

If I understand things correctly (and I'm still not sure that I do, even after reading a gazillion different things on EPP...) the estrogen will ensure that my FSH levels are not too high, which in turn will help the quality of the eggs. I must admit, I have high hopes for this protocol - I requested that my RE put me on it, as it is known to be very effective for poor responders. He's never done it before (and I'm a little nervous) but I'm channeling all of my positive thoughts toward this being a great success!

Just this week, I figured out that the bill for my last IVF cycle totaled approximately $17,000.00! Thankfully, my insurance plan covered 80% of the drug costs and DH's plan covered the rest - so really, we were only out of pocket about $7500.00. But this, added on to the $1550.00 we have spent on IUIs makes this one expensive adventure!! I would have preferred a trip around the world...

Sending a special "hello" and cyberhug to all of my cyberfriends - hope you are well and feeling peace in your hearts.


Anonymous said...

Hey SR!
I am glad that you decided to wait until your summer vacation to start your next cycle. I think its important to feel like you have done everything possible to make the cycle a success and having the time to relax is HUGE!
I will continue to check for updates!

taniab said...

Hi SR, Glad to hear you are getting ready for your next cycle and hope your vacation was wonderful. Enjoy the time you have between the end of the year and your next treatment cycle... I'll be thinking about you :)

Rebecca said...

Glad to see you have a plan in place...sounds a little complicated, but hope it works wonderfully for you!

How was your trip?

... said...

Sending lots of positive thoughs your way SR!