Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bad Girl!

Okay, I have been totally neglectful lately about this blog - I find that the days are zooming by and I can hardly catch my breath! After returning home from Hawaii, not one week passed by before I was getting ready to zip off to Vegas! Yes - I was in Sin City with my sister and my parents! My sister and I thought it would be fun to go there with my parents for their we left the hubbies at home (and she left her kiddies) and we spent a couple of crazy nights in the city of indulgence!

A good time was had by all - the weather was hot, the food was fantastic and the shopping was superb. My mom was very good at reminding me when it was time for my Suprefact, and because of her I was on time with my dosages every day (of course, now that my mom isn't around, I've been late a few times! Argh!) The trip reminded me of how special my family is - I love them so much. They have been so supportive through this whole IF thing - which has been so important to me, since DH and I haven't really told any of our friends about it. I am lucky to have them.

Update on the IVF cycle - okay, I am slightly worried about being late for the sniffing. It's happened a few times, and each time I freak out. Will it affect my cycle? Have I screwed up my chances? What if I'm not suppressed enough? I guess only time will tell - I'm going for my baseline ultrasound on Tuesday morning, and hope to get the green light for stims.

I have been debating back and forth over whether or not to return to acupuncture. The latest reports indicate that there is no conclusive evidence that acupuncture is helpful in an IVF cycle (read article here). I definitely know that it aids in relaxation, and I think that that definitely benefits implantation. But I tried acupuncture a year ago and it did not yield the results I had hoped for. Should I still believe in it and give it a try? I am so torn.

What do you think?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sniff, Sniff...

Well, today was the first day of my Suprefact nasal spray applications, and let me tell you, it's not as bad I thought it might be. My one big challenge will be to actually remember to do it!! It has to be administered five times a day, every four hours. I must confess, I almost missed one dose this afternoon, as I was busy tip-tapping away on my laptop and totally lost track of time. But I recovered, and here I sit - a girl having gotten through her first day of sniffing!

This is a huge milestone for me. It feels real now. I have a feeling that time is going to fly by, and before we know it, it'll be time to make our little baby. I can't wait.

I told my boss yesterday. He was really great about it - I was so worried to let him know, because it does not look that good for me to be taking more time off work, especially at the beginning of the school year! But he was completely understanding and supportive and he knows how important having a child is to me. I am so grateful that that talk went smoothly.

I am one great, big, huge bag of mixed feelings right now. Though I normally don't have problems expressing myself (especially in writing!) I am having an enormous time articulating how I feel inside. Anxious. Scared. Excited. Thrilled. I am trying to maintain positivity, and I keep repeating to myself "We are going to get pregnant. We are going to get pregnant." Mind over matter, right?

Monday, August 11, 2008

One Tired Little Wahini...


Yes, at the very last minute, DH and I decided " hell with putting our lives on hold..." and we booked a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii. We left on the 3rd of August and just arrived home this afternoon, safe, sound and very, very tired.

We stayed at the lovely Hilton Prince Kuhio, which was one block away from the beach and from Kalakaua Avenue, where the "action" is in Waikiki. It was so much fun. Neither of us had been to Hawaii before, so we didn't know what to expect. We spent a couple of days exploring Waikiki (but found it awfully crowded!), did some shopping, then drove up the East coast of the island on one day, the North Shore another. When you get away from the city, it's absolute paradise - we were so relaxed. It was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Speaking of doctors, looks like I'll be seeing mine soon for the old embryo transplant. That's right - I finally got called off the IVF waiting list this month!! We got the call while we were in Hawaii and we were totally happy. However, we are also really nervous. DH is more nervous than I am - mostly about what would happen if this cycle doesn't work. Would we try again? Can we afford it? Maybe we'll have some "snow babies" we could transfer at a later date? How long would we have to wait? There are so many questions going through our minds, not unlike every other couple that has had to cross this road. However, I have to keep having faith that this is what God has planned for us and that He will help us along this journey...

So I start "sniffin" the old Suprefact on Friday (down-regulation), then start stims the first week of September. They have tentatively scheduled me for a September 15th egg retrieval (yes, Easter comes in September, too! Time to go hunting for eggs!) and September 18th for embryo transfer. Our second anniversary is on September 16th, so I hope that God has a little anniversary gift planned for us...

P.S. That's me on the onesie. Ha! Actually, I found this pic from Gwen Stefani's infant Harajuku line, and thought it was a cute representation of the Hawaiian "babymoon" that DH and I just took - our last holiday alone together (hopefully!) before our precious baby joins our family.