...or in my case, a pee stick....
I was going to test on the morning of my last entry (12dp2dt), but decided against it for one main reason: I was worried that if the result was negative, I would spend a bunch of time sweating out whether it was a true negative or if it was too early to test. I just didn't want to get myself worked up like that - just wasn't worth it.
So I waited another two days and tested this morning.
As I sit here at my desk and type this entry, I am also enjoying a nice, hot cup of tea. Gazing into the mug, this is what I see:
Oh Springroll, I know it is very very early days, but I am so happy for you. I will hold hope in my heart that this is a strong, sticky bean.
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!! I just had a "feeling" that this would happen for you!! God answered my prayers for you! Congratulations sweet girl!!!! Can't wait to follow your journey through this pregnancy!! :D
Holy crap! Maybe it's the little embie that could. Congrats!
YAY!! Congrats. Think this little embie is gonna be a little brother or sister!
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